2nd training pack

ACCORD Digital Building Permit Tools and Methodologies for Municipalities and Professionals

How to automate building permitting with BIM? 

Content description: This training material serves as an introductory educational package, offering a comprehensive overview and key references on BIM-based permitting.

It explores the essential aspects of the BIM permitting process by addressing the WhyWhat, and How.

The content highlights the benefits of BIM-based permitting, introduces openBIM standards, the processes of regulatory review, rule-checking, and automation.

It also explains how to interpret rules into machine-readable formats and provides insights into available software tools. 

The material concludes with a compelling call to action, encouraging the adoption and implementation of BIM-based permitting to advance efficiency and innovation in the construction industry. 

Target group: This training material targets Municipalities and Governmets but is also suitable to any professional willing to understand the basics of BIM-base building permitting process. 

Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of various maturity levels in the BIM-based permitting process and their significance, knowledge on openBIM its principles.
  • Understanding of the current challenges in building permitting.
  • Understanding the benefits in streamlining workflows and improving efficiency with BIM-based process.
  • Understanding the openBIM advantages for interoperability and collaboration. 
  • Awareness of key standard and tools such as  IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), IDS (Information Delivery Specification), bSDD (buildingSMART Data Dictionary), BCF (BIM Collaboration Format). 

 Author: Jaan Saar, Chief Evangelist at Future Insights 

Supporting material: 

  • Presentation - here 
  • The starter pack - here

Cloudpermit permitting service with integrated automatic data content and code compliance checking

Content description: This training material provides a demonstration on the automation of compliance checking and the BIM-

submission in building permit process using the Cloudpermit software as part of ACCORD results.  

Target group: This training material targets building permitting applicants, architects, designers, other BIM professionals and

building permitting authorities. 

Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of how the Cloudpermit tool functions as part of the ACCORD solution. 
  • Understanding the overall work process and expectations when using the Cloudpermit tool. 
  • Awareness of the Cloudpermit user interface (UI), focusing on key features such as automatic code compliance checking,
  • BIM submissions, and interpreting check results effectively. 

AuthorIlkka Mattila, Chief Innovation Officer at Cloudpermit. 

Supporting material: 


AC(CO2)RD BIM-based carbon checking services

 Content description: This training material provides an overview of proof-of-concept AC(CO2)RD tool for automation of the checking of carbon footprint in BIM models.

The tool was developed considering the Finland requirements.  

Target group: This training material targets architects, Life Cycle Assessment professionals, compliance checking services and regulatory bodies. 

Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of proof-of-concept AC(CO2)RD tool. 
  • Understanding of the objectives, the benefits and limitations of the tool. 
  • Awareness of the Finnish regulatory framework. 

Author: Petr Hradil, Senior Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 

Supporting material:

ACCORD Rule formalisation tool (RFT) 

Content description: This training material provides guidance on using the ACCORD Rule Formalisation Tool.

The tool is designed to convert regulations into a machine-executable format, enabling integration with Automated

Compliance Checking (ACC) software tools. 

 Target group: This training material targets municipalities, city conucils, and other government agencies responsible for creating

building codes and regulations. 

 Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of the ACCORD Rule formalisation tool  
  • Understanding how to use the tool. 
  • Awareness of the tools benefits and how it can be useful for public authorities. 

Author: Gonçal Costa Jutglar, researcher and professor at La Salle - Ramon Llull University 

 Supporting material:  

  • Presentation - here
  • RFT tool - here 

Solibri tool for checking models quality, accessibility and operational safety 

 Content description: This training material provides an overview of Solibru services focusing on the rule-based checking process. 

 Target groupThis training material targets public auhtorities and municipalities. But the tools can be use by any

professional in the design and construction industry.   

 Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of the Solibri tool. 
  • Understanding of rule-based checking process. 
  • Awareness of rule-based chicking process applied in Finnish file. 

Author: Pia Nitz, Senior BIM specialist at Solibri. 

Supporting material: 

  • Presentation - here
  • BCO Ontology and Rules Format -  here 
  • RAVA3Pro National development for automated building permitting here


ACCORD Transformation Pathways 

Content description: This training material offers a comprehensive overview of the Digital Transition Pathway for Automated Code

Compliance Checking (ACCC) in Digital Building Permit processes using Building Information Modeling (BIM). The pathway is a

strategy to transition from manual to automated code compliance checking within the digital building permit workflow. It outlines

the key changes required to achieve automation, providing insights from the perspective of each actor involved in the process. 

 Target group: This training material targets municipalities, Policy makers, Building permit applicants, technology providers.  

 Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of objectives, approaches and steps of the Transition Pathway for an Automated Code Complaince.
  • Checking (ACCC) in Digital Buiding Permits processes. 
  • Understanding the what is ACCORD transtion pathway, what are the reccomendations for differnet actors in the design and construction chain.  
  • Awareness of the trasition pathway application in Finalnd and the template pathway and the proposed national roadmaps. 

 Author: Tarja Mäkeläinen, Senior Scientist at VTT 

 Supporting material: 

  • Presentation - here
  • Landscape Review report – here 
  • ACCORD Framework and User Requirements Specification - here 

To-Be reference processes – Part 1  

Content description: This training material provides an overview of the "To Be" reference process,a high-level
framework designed to guide digital building permitting and automated code compliance checking. The process
emphasizes integration of machine-readable regulations, digital permitting platforms, and compliance checkers,
supporting streamlined operations for authorities, applicants, and technical service providers throughout the
building lifecycle stages, from strategic planning to permit issuance. 

 Target group : This training material targets building authorities, applicants, and technical service. 

Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of key elements of the process, such as actors, roles, building lifecycle stages, sub-processes,

decision points, and task flows. 

  • Understanding of the "To Be" reference process, including its purpose, structure, and application in digital

building permitting and automated code compliance checking, including the decision-making point

throughout the project life cycle. 

  • Awareness of the challenges and transformation pathways in the EU’s building permitting processes,

including the variability in national systems and the need for harmonization. 

Author: Tarja Mäkeläinen, Senior Scientist at VTT

Supporting material: Presentation here. 

To-Be reference processes – Part 2

Content description: This training material builds on the "To Be" process reference introduced in Part 1. In this second part,

Mrs. Tarja Mäkeläinen guides us through digital permitting processes using BIM, focusing on the workflows in the perspectives

of public authorities and applicants, including architects, throughout the building lifecycle. It also provide an overview of the

information management in the process. 

 Target group : This training material targets building authorities, applicants, and technical service. 

  Learning objectives 

  • Knowledge of workflow of the “To Be” process reference in the perspective of public authoroties and applicants.  
  • Understanding of the "To Be" reference process and workflow trhoughout the building lifecycle. 
  • Awareness of the challenges and transformation pathways in the EU’s building permitting processes, including the

variability in national systems and

the need for harmonization. 

Author: Tarja Mäkeläinen, Senior Scientist at VTT

Supporting material: Presentation here.