
Future Insight (FUI) offers Clearly.BIM, an online solution for viewing, storing, sharing, checking and using BIM models. It allows IFC files to be evaluated and stored in a central database. 

Clearly.BIM allows the following solutions: 

    • Visualizing BIM models in a detailed BIM viewer or 3D Digital Twin 

Detailed BIM models are large and often not constructed in an unambiguous way. As a result, there are no online solutions that allow these models to be visualised without the need of complex and locally installed software. As an alternative, 2D floor plans generated from the BIM model are used, but the power of a BIM model is not sufficiently exploited as the 3D information is lost. At the same time, consulting and visualising the BIM models in a 3D environment makes the information visually more comprehensible also for non-specialists.  

Clearly.BIM breaks this trend by offering a cloud-native scalable solution that allows anyone to view BIM models in full detail in an online BIM viewer or seamlessly integrate it with existing 3D Digital Twins.  

    • Automated checking of BIM models against buildingSMART IDS 

Clearly.BIM uses the intelligence of the BIM model to perform checks. To check the usability of a model for more thorough compliance checking, first an IDS check is used to verify whether the BIM model meets the expected information delivery specification. IDS is a well adopted buildingSMART standard. 

Clearly.BIM works with any buildingSMART IDS compliant IDS. 

    • Performing Compliance Checks 

Other requirements, such as permit requirements or spatial zoning plan requirements, can then be checked using compliance checks. Some examples: rooms can be checked for compliance with minimum size requirements, doors against minimum width requirements or more complex analysis whether the length of an emergency route from any point in the building to the nearest emergency exit is not too long. 

Clearly.BIM allows for flexible check configuration and Future Insights guides their clients in developing and setting up such checks. 

    • Adding different map layers to the Clearly.BIM environment 

Clearly.BIM bridges the gap between the ‘BIM world’ and the ‘geospatial world’. The integration of different geographic map layers in the BIM environment can greatly enhance its functionality and provide a more complete understanding of construction projects. Clearly.BIM allows any geographic layer that meets the well known OGC standards to be added to the viewer. 

The ability to integrate various map layers into the Clearly.BIM environment enriches spatial analysis and comprehensive understanding of construction projects, enabling more informed planning and execution. 

    • Converting and exporting BIM models to CityGML, among others 

Clearly.BIM facilitates the conversion and export of BIM models into various formats, such as CityGML, CityJSON, GLTF and the (source) IFC, promoting interoperability with other platforms and adaptability to different workflows. 

In addition, Clearly.BIM allows for on-the-fly streaming of BIM models to 3D Tiles (b3dm) for seamless integration in 3D Digital Twins.  

    • OpenAPI to integrate Clearly.BIM functionality 

Clearly.BIM uses OpenAPI and GraphQL to allow for integration of all its functionalities. OpenAPI is a specification for describing RESTful APIs. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs and a query runtime engine.  

Clearly.BIM adheres to the ‘API first’ rule. All functionality that Clearly.BIM offers is available through API (in both OpenAPI and GraphQL) and is thus easily integrateble in any application or archiecture.  


In conclusion, Clearly.BIM is presented as a comprehensive and advanced solution for BIM model management, offering 3D visualization, automatic checks, compliance, enhanced spatial analysis, interoperability, and robust API integration, reinforcing its value as a tool in the design and construction domain. 
