Digital Permit in DG GROW

The High-Level Construction Forum is currently organising two webinars on Innovation in Construction that will take place on the 19 and 20 of October 2022. ACCORD will be presented on the 20th Oct. The project will be outlined by Rita Lavikka (VTT) that is coordinating the whole activity.

The event will be divided into two webinars:

  1. New ways of building: 3D printing, prefabricated modules, automation, robotics and other ways to innovate the construction process (19.10, 09:30 – 12:30 CET).
  2. New ways of collecting and using data for construction: Digital permits and logbooks, earth observation, drones, 3D scanning and other ways to collect data in construction (20.10, 14:00 – 16:30 CET).

You can also register for the event:  

About the HLCF

The High Level Construction Forum (HLCF) was launched in September 2021 by DG GROW to initiate the co-creation process of a transition pathway towards a green, digital and resilient construction ecosystem. It offers a unique multi-stakeholders’ platform set up to discuss the key challenges that the sector is facing, among multiple European stakeholders ranging from businesses, to associations, researchers and public sector, at both EU and national or local level. For more information about the launch of the HLCF see here and about recent events here.