Solibri Office

In the world of BIM project management, quality and compliance are essential. A small error or lack of compliance can have a significant impact on a project. This is why tools, like Solibri Office, have become an integral part of the toolbox of any professional involved in BIM projects. In this article, we will explore what Solibri Office is and how this powerful tool improves quality and ensures compliance in BIM projects. 

Solibri Office is a BIM model verification and validation tool. Its main mission is to ensure the models meet the defined standards and requirements. This software tool is capable of scanning BIM models for issues, such as collisions, regulatory violations, and other inconsistencies that might be missed in a manual review. Additionally, Solibri Office is highly customizable, allowing project teams to tailor their checks to their specific project needs. 

For each project, there is a design phase involving architects, structural and installation engineers. Each of them generates his or her own model, and each can use the BIM software of his or her choice. When the time comes to carry out checks, checking the quality of the model and detecting possible errors, that’s when Solibri comes into play. Each team exports their models to individual IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) files, so that they can be used in Solibri. 

IFC is the open file format that BIM software uses to export and import information within BIM workflows. In many countries, IFC is even the standard format, by law, for sharing BIM files in public projects.  

Once these models are in Solibri, the appropriate checks are performed. Once the checks have been performed, the issues are communicated in BCF format to external tools so that the original models can be repaired in their native formats. 

When we open the IFC files in Solibri, all models are displayed together, and an automated analysis process is run. This process includes default rules but can also include custom rules. The result of all these checks should be communicated to the design teams to discuss possible problems encountered. The design team has to give a response, and then the process starts again. 

This communication is done either through a direct server connection via bcf API or using the traditional .bcf file, which stands for BIM Collaboration Format. With bcf issues, it is not possible to directly make any changes to the model, but any design problems can be communicated and visualised in external tools and issue management servers so that they can be repaired in their respective native environments. Thanks to the bcf, possible problems can be communicated to all parties involved. 

Advantages of Using Solibri Office: 

    • Higher Quality: Solibri Office ensures that models are accurate and meet standards, resulting in higher quality of project deliverables. 
    • Time Savings: Automatically detecting problems and conflicts in the model saves time that would otherwise be spent on manual corrections. 
    • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures that the project complies with local and national regulations, avoiding costly fines or delays. 
    • Effective Collaboration: Facilitates communication and collaboration between different stakeholders by providing a common reference point. 

Solibri Office does not operate in isolation. It integrates seamlessly with other BIM tools and software, making it an essential part of your BIM workflow. It can connect with BIM modeling software, project management software, BCF issue management servers, file storage services, and document review tools through ERP Software, enabling seamless collaboration and effective BIM project management. 

Solibri Office is an indispensable tool in the world of BIM project management. Optimize quality, ensure compliance and improve collaboration. If you are involved in BIM projects, don’t underestimate the value Solibri Office can bring to your team. It is the key to building high-quality projects, on budget and on time. 

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