Germany – Automated Checking for Land Use Permitting and Green Building Certification

The German demonstration will focus on automating compliance checking for three uses cases arising for the renovation, adaptive reuse and new planning of buildings in the area of the former Airport Berlin Tegel: (1) Land use permit, (2) Environmental compliance and (3) Building permitting for industrialised timber construction systems – together with the FUTR HUB.

Tegel Projekt GmbH is tasked with managing and developing Berlin TXL: providing its demo partners with digital building models for all use cases. The area of Berlin TXL comprises the Urban Tech Republic, being dedicated to the adaptive reuse of existing buildings or new planning, and the Schumacher Quarter, which is essential to Berlin’s strategy for timber housing and urban development on a large scale.

Use case 1 will use digital models of the former public airport building. The Coordination Office for Semantic Standardisation in Planning and Building at the Agency for Geoinformation and Surveying Hamburg (LGV) supports this use case by transforming land-use plans into the standardised German data format XPlanGML and by converting those and other regulations into appropriate data formats conforming to geospatial encoding rules published by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).  The office will implement APIs designed by OGC for selected pre-checks of building designs against land use requirements and support the orchestration of individual microservices.

The solution to be developed by use case 2 will allow for environmental compliance of renovation and adaptive reuse measures applying to the former energy centre in the Urban Tech Republic. The German Sustainable Building Council’s (DGNB e.V.) certification requirements will be machine-executable. The Fraunhofer-Institute for Building Physics IBP will develop interfaces to the web software GENERIS® for BIM-based Lifecycle Assessment and Green Building Certification using enriched BIM models.

Use case 3 applies to the new wooden construction FUTR HUT. Solutions to be developed will pave the way for an accelerated and simplified BIM-based building permit process for industrialised timber construction systems. The Fraunhofer-Institute for Building Physics IBP is in charge of selecting relevant regulations to be made machine-executable pertaining to the built-up area, timber construction (system) or environmental requirements and of developing BIM-based building permit checking services facilitating the transformation at the national level. LiWooD AG will provide additional sample data sets for modular timber construction.

Use cases 1 and 3 will test and validate developed solutions based on the “Schumacher Quarter” regulatory framework. The Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, Berlin, will support the validated solutions as a responsible building permitting authority.

Figure. Rendering illustrating adaptive reuse of existing buildings and new planning in the core area of the former Airport Berlin-Tegel (© TEGEL Projekt GmbH / Macina).