Results and outcomes

ACCORD’s main result is the semantic building permitting framework based on microservices that integrate many manual steps in the building permit process into a semi-automated workflow.

ACCORD will also develop.

  • A rule formalisation tool, based on semantic web technologies, allowing formalisation of regulations into a standardized rule representation format.
  • A Ruleset Database allowing for the storage and retrieval of rules stored in a semantic format for applications of various stakeholders when using building permitting and compliance checking services
  • Building Compliance Checking Microservices supporting various use cases
  • Open Standardized Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (D4.2) for the building compliance and other information services to allow integrated dataflows between building permitting, building compliance and other information services

Key exploitable results (KERs) are preliminarily identified in three areas:

  • Technical standards and harmonised guidelines for software and platform development for the use-case of automated digital building permit process.
  • Guidelines and information requirements for the usage process (for disciplines).
  • Body of knowledge, e.g., awareness-raising information package and E-learning courses.