News, events, highlights

ACCORD at the SmartBuilt4EU regional workshop
ACCORD participated in SmartBuilt4EU regional workshop on “Smart buildings and the Smart Readiness Indicator: EU status update and next steps in Finland” on 22nd of November 2022. The workshop proposed a status update on the testing and implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) across Europe, with an outline of

ACCORD at the European Network for Digital Building Permits – Eunet4DBP
ACCORD participated in the European Network for Digital Building Permits – EUnet4DBP open meeting on 4th of November 2022. The topic of the meeting was “New projects on Digital Building Permit”, and in addition to ACCORD (Rita Lavikka), its sister projects – DigiChecks (Ignacio Rincòn) and CHEK (Francesca Noardo) –

ACCORD at the High-Level Construction Forum (HLCF)
ACCORD participated in the High-Level Construction Forum (HLCF) meeting on 20th of October, 2022 with ACCORD’s sister projects DigiChecks and CHEK to support the co-creation process toward a green, digital, and resilient construction ecosystem. The meeting was organised by the European Commission. The Horizon Europe sister projects were presented by

ACCORD at the Finnish Round Table on dataflows in the real estate and construction sector
VTT presented the ACCORD project in the Finnish Round Table I “Which bottlenecks prevent the flow of data in the real estate and construction sector”, which was held in Helsinki, Maria01 on the 22nd of September 2022. The roundtable was organised together by Rakennustieto (Building Information), The Building Information Foundation

ACCORD participated in the WDBE2022 hybrid (face-to-face & online) session “The (R)evolution of the Building Permit Process – From Paper to Digital to BIM” at the World of Digital Built Environment (WDBE) Summit on September 29th, 2022 in Tallinn. The session was co-organised by EU BIM Task Group co-chairs Jaan

Digital Permit in DG GROW
The High-Level Construction Forum is currently organising two webinars on Innovation in Construction that will take place on the 19 and 20 of October 2022. ACCORD will be presented on the 20th Oct. The project will be outlined by Rita Lavikka (VTT) that is coordinating the whole activity. The event

Newsletter history
1st Newsletter – pilots and processes – cases from various countries covering construction integrity, spatial planning, material performance
2nd Newsletter - digital building permit state of art and future
3nd Newsletter - Software solutions for building permitting and compliance.
4th Newsletter - Transformation Pathways towards Digital Permitting Processes