ACCORD participated in the WDBE2022 hybrid (face-to-face & online) session “The (R)evolution of the Building Permit Process –...

Results and outcomes
ACCORD’s main result is the semantic building permitting framework based on microservices that integrate many manual steps in...

Spain – Urban Regulations
The Spanish demonstration will focus on automating the checking of compliance with urban regulations, including dangerous materials and...

UK – Design integrity of structural components
The UK demonstration will focus on automating the compliance checking of design integrity of structural components for steel...

Germany – Automated Checking for Land Use Permitting and Green Building Certification
The German demonstration will focus on automating compliance checking for three uses cases arising for the renovation, adaptive...

Finland and Estonia – healthy, safe, accessible spaces
The Finnish and Estonian demonstrations provide an extraordinary opportunity to test parts of the ACCORD semantic framework with...

Digital Building Permit
Automated Compliance Checks for Construction, Renovation or Demolition Works
ACCORD – Automating the Building Permitting and Compliance Checking ACCORD is a Horizon Europe project (2022-2025) that focuses...

Digital Permit in DG GROW
The High-Level Construction Forum is currently organising two webinars on Innovation in Construction that will take place on...

Accord is Launched
Digital Permit in DG GROW The High-Level Construction Forum is currently organising two webinars on Innovation in Construction...